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Social Media Marketing and Management – Why Your Business Should Use It

Feb 24, 2019

It’s still not safe to say that we are, as a species, completely taken by social media, but we’re surely getting there. Data for 2018 shows that slightly more than half of all living humans use the internet. And more than three out of four internet users are active social media users. Any business that would want to find customers online could do much worse than use social media to reach forty percent of humanity.

Of course, there’s much more to using social media for business purposes than just creating pages, publishing content, and reaping the benefits. Even things like reaching an audience are becoming more difficult these days. But that doesn’t seem to have turned businesses off from using social media. Let’s see why your business should join their ranks.  If you are time poor and need Social Media Marketing and Management be sure to contact us.

Gigi Hadid

We get to live in a time that we get to use social media as a tool

There's a Social Network for Everyone

The social media market is huge. Two out of every five humans are a part of it. Forecasts put social media global ad spending at more than $92 billion this year, and it’s only going to grow. But there’s also just enough variety between social media themselves to make the market worthy of your attention.

There’s Facebook, the ubiquitous social network. LinkedIn is the social network professional’s use. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine, Twitter is great for newsworthy content and direct communication, and Instagram is where influencers congregate.

Because social networks aren’t carbon copies of one another, you can use them to look for various kinds of customers. LinkedIn, for example, is the social network for you if your customers are other businesses. Snapchat is the social media you use when you want to market to younger audiences. YouTube is the social media you use to host how-to videos to drive conversions. There’s a social media outlet for every slice of demographic you can target and type of content you want to use.

Social Media and Digital Marketing

Social media and digital marketing are two different yet interconnected fields of marketing. Social media and digital marketing are used to build brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads. The two fields can be used to achieve a variety of different goals, including raising brand awareness, driving traffic to websites, generating leads, and building customer relationships.

By using the right strategy, businesses can take advantage of the limitless potential of social media and digital marketing to reach new heights.

Benefits of Social Media

  • Better brand visibility
    Social media can help brands reach a larger audience and drive more traffic to their websites. By increasing brand visibility, businesses can attract new customers while strengthening relationships with existing customers.
  • Stronger customer relationships
    Establish stronger relationships with your customers through increased interaction. By interacting with customers more often, businesses can better understand customer needs, create a positive brand image, and increase loyalty.
  • Increased traffic
    Drive more traffic to their websites, which can result in more leads and sales for businesses. By increasing traffic to websites, businesses can strengthen their relationships with customers and increase their overall revenue.
  • Higher brand awareness
    Help brands reach a larger audience and increase their brand awareness. By increasing brand awareness, businesses can increase their total reach and have a larger impact on their target audience.

What Gets Measured Gets Managed

We live in a time when an incredible share of our activities is monitored, managed, or mediated by tech. What happens on social media gives social media companies plenty of opportunities to gather data, store it, and develop tools for analysis.

There are no social media worth its salt that doesn’t let you see some form of user-generated data. It can be as simple as showing the time of the day when your followers are most active on Instagram, or how big of a potential reach your tweets have.

Because social media is a set of data-grabbing services, you can access data that will help you aim your efforts and see the results. Putting together objectives and key performance indicators are of paramount importance for gauging the results of a campaign. Social media has plenty of data to use as key performance indicators.

Customers Want to Be Heard

It’s sometimes easy to forget that social media allows two-way communication. People get stuck into thinking about content schedules, views, shares, and other engagement numbers. Social media becomes about publishing things and then measuring their impact on the audience.

But social media is, at its core, about communication. The things you post on social media will communicate with your current and future customers alike. But they will want to have their part in this communication, and they will not be happy with just commenting on your posts.

Social media is becoming an increasingly important channel for customer service, with almost a third of customers saying they prefer social media to email, in-store, or phone customer care. So, there’s a good reason for you to use social media for business: your customers will use social media to reach out to you, giving you a great opportunity to upsell, improve loyalty, or just be helpful.

If you are a small or medium business owner and you’re not already using social media for your business, you’re in the minority. Surveys show that seven out of ten businesses use social media, and you can bet your place in your industry that number will continue to grow.

Staying competitive is as good as reason as any to use social media for your business. Every second your business spends away from social media; it suffers damage from not having access to all the opportunities social media offers. At the same time, it’s losing the race because some businesses not only know how to take advantage of social media but are getting better at it by the day.

It’s also good to know that social media is especially useful if you want to track your competitors’ marketing activities. You might not get the whole picture by tracking only social media activities, but what you see can be invaluable to you. Businesses spend more than 40% of their marketing budgets online, and you can see a good chunk of it put to work on social media.

More Than a Lead Machine, Customer Service Room, or Spying Tool

If there’s one thing social media is, it’s versatile. We gave you ideas about using social media to get leads, handle customers complaints, and even spy a little bit on your competitors. But if you don’t want to do any of that, there’s still plenty of things social media can help you do.

The tech behind social media is great, but it’s the people who are what makes social media so versatile for business uses. People can be the aim of everything you want to do, and social media can be the place that gets you together with the people you need.

You might need customers, and you can find them on social media. But what if you need people to work with you? You can hire people on LinkedIn. You will check their Facebook profile before hiring them. You can turn to social media to manage your business’ reputation, which is another thing that requires people. Building a community around your business is a great use for social media. And the list goes on.

So, what good could social media do for your business? It can give you access to the people, data, and businesses you need. And no matter how much social media changes, if people and their data remain in the core of their business models, one thing will be true: You should use social media for your business. Using it is better in every single way than not using it.

Social Media Marketing is important and is part of your overall marketing strategy.  Implement social media marketing with other budget friendly marketing strategies.

Social Media Strategy

If you’re looking to build a strong social media, you’ll first need to know your audience. Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs, you can begin crafting your social media strategy.

Your social media strategy should include your overall goals for these platforms, as well as specific goals for each platform. Once you’ve outlined your strategy, it’s time to put it into action. You can’t expect to see results immediately, so be patient and consistent.

You may notice positive results after a few months of consistent effort. One of the best ways to measure your progress is by keeping track of your social media and digital marketing metrics.

Creating a Social Media Plan

If you’re serious about using social media to grow your business, you’ll need to create a social media plan. A social media plan will help you stay organised and focused, and it will make it easier to track your progress and stay on track.

Your social media plan should include information like your target audience, brand messaging and content creation plans. Your social media plan will likely change as you implement it, and that’s okay. Keep track of your progress and adjust as needed.

Social Media Tips

  • Know your audience
    One of the most important things to keep in mind while creating your social media and digital marketing plan is who you’re creating it for. Your marketing efforts should be focused on meeting the needs of your target audience.  Digital Marketing provides tools to better understand your target audience so your marketing budget does not go to waste.
  • Be consistent
    Consistency is one of the best ways to measure your success when it comes to social media and digital marketing. If you’re trying to increase traffic to your website, you’ll want to make sure you’re posting on a regular basis to increase engagement.
  • Research your options
    There are many different social media and digital marketing platforms available, and they all have different strengths and weaknesses. Make sure you know what each platform offers and choose the ones that best fit your needs.
  • Keep an eye on trends
    Keep an eye on social media and digital marketing trends to make sure you’re using the latest and greatest strategies. Latest trends are popping up all the time, so it’s important to stay up to date.


Social media is becoming increasingly important for businesses looking to grow and reach new heights. In our current digital age, it is essential to have a strong online presence in order to remain competitive.

With the right strategy and tools, businesses can attract new customers, build relationships with existing customers, and increase their overall revenue.